General Discussion

General DiscussionI keep hearing MDL casting sucks was it true?

I keep hearing MDL casting sucks was it true? in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Just wondering if MDL casting sucks? I see 2 threads now on reddit about bad casting and bad audio etc...


      yeah... I don't know, still haven't found any info


        Bad stream quality, bad choice of streamers, bad camera work etc.


          >llamadownunder casting

          yeah, it's shit


            yeah I don't dare watch anything but the main stream due to casting quality.

            inner corpse

              if en stream sucks just switch to ru version, you may not understand much but russians throw tons of energy in casting, and camera work is usually way better than on en streams


                moldovan leu casting

                후아 자 *Hou

                  Bad quality, casters aren't familiar to game..