General Discussion

General DiscussionMeta predictions

Meta predictions in General Discussion

    Try to guess 3 most cancerous heroes of the new patch.


      necro spec alchemsit

      Livin' Real Good

        I dunno, Templar Assassin and Wind ranger seem very strong, especially cause they were good last meta, now they have less competition as far as mid's go. They didn't get any nerfs like I predicted, so I expect to see them a lot. But I don't they have very annoying play styles, even if they're picked alot, they'll just be good, not annoying. Bloodseeker in the other hand, NOW THAT WAS ANNOYING, just tping every time you got ruptured so annoying af, especially him having one of the lowest skill caps in the game.

        I'm fucking psychic, I predicted Venge and Mirana would be the next supports who got buffed to point where they could become cores just like Lina and Lesh who got over buffed, and look what happened, no one played them support anymore, just core. Please tell me you guys remember me saying Venge and Mirana have the potential to be amazing in 6.85, cause they were already "secretly" good in 6.84! But yeah, anyways, no one cares. lol I remember saying supports just keep getting buffed and buffed.

        The only buff that venge didn't get that I was hoping for was an Ult rework, OR make it so it stuns the enemy for 1 second after they get swapped, so that way venge has enough time to run back and stun them, and not have the enemy run away, and lose half the distance of your swap for no reason, or maybe slow them if stun is too much.

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        Riguma Borusu

          We'll see in the following weeks. I'm really liking this patch already, and I liked 6.84 as well.

          Pom Pom 🍕

            Batrider, Lycan and Spectre.

            waku waku

              blue pony is still balanced
              and so is necro i guess


                RIKI, CK, NS

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                Livin' Real Good

                  If AM and PL aren't popular, then I get the feeling Medusa could rise to power as the feared hard carry. o_o


                    ^AM got buffed, because Battlefury is 50 gold cheaper now. Woo-hoo!


                      I hope to see Invoker in some official games


                        I will go with 4.

                        TA, Bat, Invoker, Gyro.

                        Edited: PL is still strong especially with buff to zero cd purge.

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                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Lina barely got nerfed, definitely still gonna be cancer till people realize that she wasn't that good to begin with. Same goes for Leshrac too actually.

                          Giff me Wingman

                            invoker, Batrider (competitive), balanar

                            saving private RTZ

                              CK, Riki, Spectre


                                No experience with invoker, could anyone explain to me why he would be good now?


                                  I don't know why everyone is saying TA is strong, she is the same hero as before. It's just going to depend on what heroes are played in mid this patch.

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    Yup, well see.


                                      TA is strong since midlaner is nerfed like storm or lesh, QOP get nerfed too. SF just still the same as before puck can't matchup TA.

                                      the nerf of everyone is buff to TA lol.


                                        drow, luna, zeus

                                        Miku Plays

                                          Rise of mommy lc

                                          Pom Pom 🍕

                                            medallion/crest nerf makes any armour reduction hero more viable as well to kill roshan earlier and faster.

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                                            the realm's delight

                                              tinker od invoker

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                                              the realm's delight

                                                oh and lich


                                                  we gonna see a lot of lich picks soon, i guess. this "exp is no longer shared" is rly insane.

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    wtf this new main menu ui. it puts me in a channel from my country every time i enter??? NO pls

                                                    and heroes tab still unavailable at profile section 4HeAD VLALVE

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      Ya same I was wondering wtf was happening good lord what an awful feature


                                                        Batrider + Techies

                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          LMAIO what is this
                                                          its not even this patch update for furion rofl

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                                                            did they buff naix? cause he's raping in my game right now


                                                              Enchantress (low skill floor, high skill cap, can carry, can anti-carry, can support, can jungle...she's Wind Ranger v2.0)
                                                              Riki (All newbs play riki, and now they are stronger with 12 HP Regen and repeated diffiusals...either use blue ward or DIE...of course, most newbs will just die)
                                                              Warlock (Golems that can no longer be destroyed by diffusal = GG)

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                                                                How's tinker gonna be cancer, he was fucking garbage and only got a 0.25s buff on rearm

                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  tinker was never garbage idk what u are talking about, he was just bad compared to the mids played in the previous meta, especially storm. and you dont need buffs to be good in the meta.

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    He wasn't garbage, but he isn't suddenly cancer either.

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      I dont care about your plebs opinion, where is matrice ?

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                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          what does the lich thing mean? So only lich's team will get xp from denied creeps? Will it be full or still half?

                                                                          Lycan might see a comeback. Necro probably will see more mid action. Drow buff isn't significant for pubs at 3k. It's 2%, it's like 5 extra dmg when she's lvl 20, the main thing is the cd but that usually needs a visage or something to be very strong.


                                                                            Afaik the XP of sacrificed creeps was evenly distributed among all heroes in XP range. Now it's only allied heroes, meaning you can "safely" sac creeps near enemy heroes.


                                                                              mid lc is so fucking strong now actually

                                                                              brendlol, my anaconda don't

                                                                                Necro, Pugna, Chaos Knight <---. Chen's buff was sorta cool

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  Wow that's a huge lich buff, gonna spam that shit. Safe lane will be like lvl 8 vs a lvl 6 solo offlaner now lawls.

                                                                                  Idk why people think the ck buff is so big. I guess with his illusions all hitting -armor is better than more crit dmg.


                                                                                    Lycan, Spectre, Warlock


                                                                                      How is no one saying undying? This shit is going to be all over pubs. Im going to quit dota honestly if i have to deal with this fucking zombie every time.


                                                                                        Windranger, Mirana and Lich HUEHUEHUE

                                                                                        Mr. Bow wow

                                                                                          Anyone tried Disruptor? i actually spammed him for almost seven games(mid and support) and i won six streak until two of my teammates who were stacked abandoned.... his first skill is really buffed having 9 seconds cd at lvl 4, gives vision for a while and interrupts bottle... paired with aghanims, he got area doom... well i gotta try him more...

                                                                                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                                            only 4 agi hero got agi buffs

                                                                                            ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                                              nope. 6.86 i want ALL agi heroes buffed


                                                                                                spectre ogre windranger


                                                                                                  tb with lvl 1 slow is actually so legit when fighting over lvl 1 bounty. its funny.


                                                                                                    ^ that's because of the glitch that makes the illusions from his slow do 100% damage, once it is patched he will be useless again.

                                                                                                    Specter will be The new cancer, She was already really strong, and she got buffed. Riki, Ck, CM and warlock might also be approaching cancer status.


                                                                                                      I can finally see the legendary Number 12 Enchantress again


                                                                                                        With these buffs to her I might be able to make it all the way to 47% enchantress win rate :)