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General DiscussionDOTA 2 VS LOL (unbiased comments only)

DOTA 2 VS LOL (unbiased comments only) in General Discussion

    So I haven't really played LOL and want to hear unbiased comments on the differences between these two.

    Not even sure if it's possible since I'm asking a dota 2 community.

    is dota 2 really better?
    100M players in LOL? much more than Dota 2?
    is LOL really childish/fun play and Dota 2 is more serious and strategic etc?

    Bad Intentions

      Well.. to start.. those lol graphics man.. such a waste of good pc specs :D


        the times i played i felt uncomfortable, you move slowly, everyone knows the range so you can't even get close, they spam skills, fight and feed all game, tp is non existent/useless, the dmg dealt is not reflected accurately in the spells, jungle sucks, vision sucks, tower sucks, throne is too close, barracks feel useless i rly didn't like anything about lol! the 1v1 matchup mid sucks too, people spamming inbuilt blink rune, spamming spells and dissapearing constantly, it's a game made for p*ssies imo. I also noticed the ms is sorta the same for every hero? there's no advantages anywhere aside from spell usage and stats, tank, mass mana, etc

        i dont recommend it


          lol would be an ok game, except for one thing that makes it completely unplayable, it is pay 2 win. once you have played a MOBA where everyone starts every game on even footing there is no going back to P2W mobas.

          If you want to try a different moba go try for Smite, the F2P version is basically a demo, with a $30 version that unlocks every thing in the game. If you go from dota to anything else you are going to hate it beyond belief. even if you have tons of money to throw away unlocking all the heroes/champs or skill trees/pages or what ever you still wont be happy with the game, since every time you dominate in a match you will find your self thinking "would I have won that if I hadn't bought tons of upgrades?".

          LoL players like to say things like "you can unlock EVERYTHING with out paying" but it is really more like you can unlock ANYTHING with out paying. if you wanted to unlock every champ and upgrade every page you would have to spend tens of thousands of hours playing.

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            Misery Wizard

              Heroes of The Storm > Dota 2 > LoL


                That's not unbiased. This is unbiased:

                League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. It is a free-to-play game supported by micro-transactions and inspired by the mod Defense of the Ancients for the video game Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

                Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena video game, the stand-alone sequel to the Defense of the Ancients Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod. Developed by Valve Corporation, Dota 2 was released as a free-to-play title for Microsoft Windows, OS X and Linux in July 2013, concluding a Windows-only public beta testing phase that began in 2011. The game is available exclusively through Valve's content-delivery platform, Steam.

                Maybe you'll like the one, maybe you'll like the other.


                  I like both LoL and Dota. I would say, I like LoL more than I like Dota, but I prefer playing Dota, 'cuz I don't want to learn a crapton of stuff about LoL, while playing on potato-level makes me cringe.

                  Dota is more complex on a basic level - more active items, un-intuitive iterations, advanced mechanics and similar stuff. LoL isn't that much about the actual complexity, but has a much stronger accent on a strategic part of the game - either be it via items or summoner spells.

                  Dota is more rewarding on the stage of learning it, due to previously stated advanced stuff. I.E. you don't know anything - you're 1k mmr, you learn how to deny - you are 1.2k, how to remove aggro - 1.4k, how to pull - 2k and so on. LoL is, however, is much more about polishing your execution, even on a potato level people already have adequate jungle rotation, which I still fail to see (and to achieve too, tbh) at 3.5k mmr.

                  Fights in Dota are more execution friendly, compared to LoL. Wombo-combos are much easier to execute, skill-shots are very few and so on.
                  In LoL, fights are more intense - majority of the spells are skill-shots, active skills can go up to 6 on pretty much every hero, cooldowns are lower, but so are effects - buffs, disables and silences are much shorter, compared to Dota.

                  LoL also has much better matchmaking system on a low level, 'cuz it forces majority of players not only to play a lot of games, but also to try a broad variety of champions. I dunno, how good is LoL's ranked Elo system, 'cuz I'm a scrub.

                  Also, don't listen people, who say LoL is P2W - they obviously don't know shit about LoL.

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                    lol is 600 clicks behind dota

                    no reason of this thread unless ur still play digimon cards or still want to be a pokemon trainer when u grow up

                    Miku Plays

                      im already a pokemon master


                        So that 1 post for LOL pretty much discredits the previous posts for DotA.

                        There seems to be a disconnect on various points. Which one is true?

                        Please continue posting your insights about both games.

                        Hex Sigma

                          well as I have played both i guess i can somehow make a difference

                          Dota has way more mechanics and is indeed more complex to learn at a mechanical level. LoL's ones are fewer and more basic but their way of adding depth is by items and heroes. For example in dota most of the spells/items are pretty straight forward: stun, damage, more damage, heal, invis etc. In LoL however you have tons and tons of stats magic resist cooldown reduction spell vamp crit mana and crit etc etc. This is due to the fact that heroes can technically fill many roles... technically. You can have a mage tank, a tank with dmg, a mage carry and so on. And while technically that makss the game more versatile in reality it really doesnt because heroes there usually fill a role so good that they perform subpar on other secondary roles.

                          Also regarding the item side riot tends to nerf or even straight throw out any item that gets overused or makes the game too fun.

                          Regarding vision wards are cheaper but offer way less vision. There are items which can help you ward(they have wards stocked as charges).
                          What really grinds my gears tho is the fact that everybody has a blink. Well not blink but a oh shit panic button. You think you got that kill? nope.jpg

                          summoner's spells are mostly useless.Like people use like 3 or 4 maybe out of 8. There the one which gives dmg over time, the blink/flash, the heal which is underwhelming, tp which is useless and has a long cd. Most of em have very lomg cd's and are too underwhelming for what they do.

                          Heroes are really weak early. Like not even a support can do much. The power curves are different unlike dota where you have early heroes mid heroes and late ones. However in the late game carries usually deal way more dmg than in dota. Like a fed carry can 3 shot a tank easily. To compensate for that riot made the carries very very squishy. If the carry hasnt got a pinpoint positioning he gets obliterated.

                          The jungler is an interesting role mostly because of the depth. Neutrals hve different buffs which can be turned into different weapons. The jungler also needs to gank.

                          Community wise the game is pretty toxic till you reach high silver division or gold(3.5~4k). From there on you may get like one flamer or troll but generally people play more seriously.
                          The game's pace is genetally faster in a sense that items cost less gold and thus fights broke out faster. However once the teams are equal(six slotted) it all comes down to initiation.

                          Lastly the game has some common traits with dota but in reality LoL is very different. If its different in a good or bad way that is for you to decide.


                            LoL looks like an android game.


                              ^ BEST COMENT SELECTED BY JOLLYBOI

                              plz do

                                Let me try to be as unbiased as possible describing my personal, biased experience:

                                When LoL came out, it was a huuge hype. It was the follow up to wc3 dota 1 with better graphics, better usability - everything was going to be better. Hell, you could reconnect to a game after a disc! (that was huge back then!!) So, LoL has a bigger community today mainly, because it had a moba monopoly. I still dont understand why Bilzzard didnt take icefrogs map and made a standalone. Lazy bastards.
                                So, ofc I played LoL back then a couple of times - but i have no clue about it today. But i will try to explain my experience:

                                First of all, I grew up w dota and got used to dota in wc3. That actually led to a very bad gut feeling while playing LoL. The heros were different, HUD was different, mechanics were different - this just wasnt good old dota. Im the kind of guy, who needs lots of time to work my way into something new. AND I actually expected something like dota, so I got really disappointed. Anyways, i probably was on a 1k dota level back then - so dunning kruger in puberty at its best. Then years later dota2 approached and that was like the holy grail for me and it felt right from moment one.

                                "is LOL really childish/fun play and Dota 2 is more serious and strategic etc?"

                                What I understand now from reading others comments, is that dota2 seems to be more punishing if u dont work together, have bad farming efficiency or fail at spelling. Maybe that seems more serious, because its actually important at any stage of the game (except mb first 4-5 min).

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                                  Dota is not better nor worse so as LoL, but since I grew up with WC3 and the graphics AT THE TIME WAS AMAZING. I really don't know why RIOT decided to go with cartoonish graphics and I think it's true that they have "more" players and more I mean multiple accounts and shit. DOTO 2 really punishes players for playing bad and lose gold if you while LoL doesn't let you lose gold when you DIE but both rely on unreliable gold if they died. For the spells LoL has another skill which is a passive one that grants some special thing to your Champ. Both are strategic both but the more strategic one is actually Dota 2 since you really need to fucking work together if you really want to win. LoL doesn't punish as much. LoL isn't really childish but if you play bad then you'll see Maximus Autismus everywhere.


                                    The person who said LOL is not pay to win doesn't understand what pay to win is.
                                    Although you can EVENTUALLY unlock all heroes just from playing A LOT, at the beginning you have very few heroes to choose from, and you have to pay to get any more heroes straight away.
                                    That does help you learn easier and there is not a million heroes to boggle your brain xD but also is a pay to win element as people in the opponent team will have heroes you can't have without paying.

                                    Otherwise LOL is an easier game to learn and get into, but many people find it too basic. The graphics are cartoonish which is pretty annoying xD

                                    Any game can get advanced at higher levels though, for instance take table tennis, probably an easier version of tennis. The people at pro level of table tennis have a whole lot more strategy and skill and the game is not so basic.

                                    One last thing, In LOL heroes often first come out pretty powerful, and of course people buy them, but then later on they get nerfed completely because they are too op. So LOL has a whole lot of nerfed heroes running around.

                                    I am pretty biased to DOTA :P But I did look into DOTA and LOL at a time where I was biased to neither and wanted to get into a game. So there's that.


                                      Lol is a fuckin retarded game for children or game for those, who have no fuckin clue how good graphics look like and play facebook cartoonish games all the time. Once you try Dota, LOL will just look so bad, no graphics (cartoon practically), no depth, retarded small chidren in your team,...

                                      Just try it and you'll see how good Dota actually is.

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                                        The hardest problem for dota and will always forever problem for dota is its hard skill gap, you need to invest lots of time getting this game right. game mechanics, game knowledge bla bla bla, beginners will always get either bored or uninterested. LoL in much particular IS MUCH easier than dota, so.. beginners are more convinced at LOL..
                                        DOTA = NOT FORGIVING FOR BEGINNERS
                                        LOL = FORGIVING CUZ ITS EZ


                                          i watched some top lol streamers (challengers or how they are called), and from my point of view they play horrendous for that "top tier". there is like 100 less apm, they don't ever ever check other lanes, the screen was practically locked in the same lane for like 10 minutes straight (not exaggerating). i saw his history and he had almost same items every game.
                                          he played some kind of timbersaw-rocketlauncher-man and kept feeding some kind of male-anime-drowranger.
                                          like he kept going for him when that guy clearly was stronger and pwned him.

                                          i have to say tho, i really liked the league movies, the ones i saw were very good.
                                          i also like the "fun" concept of the characters.
                                          it also has a lot of features to keep newbies playing it.

                                          what i dislike is:
                                          1.skill spamming, everyone has blinks and shields or something and skills to spam.
                                          i saw a hero half clockwerk half tide who would ravage every 2 seconds or so.
                                          2.the interface (or hud) is kinda small and clustered.
                                 could be better, but im not that bothered by it tbh.


                                            Here, I'll add some confirmation or point out the wrong...

                                            "Lastly the game has some common traits with dota but in reality LoL is very different. If its different in a good or bad way that is for you to decide."
                                            ^This is the biggest take away here.

                                            "The person who said LOL is not pay to win doesn't understand what pay to win is.
                                            Although you can EVENTUALLY unlock all heroes just from playing A LOT, at the beginning you have very few heroes to choose from, and you have to pay to get any more heroes straight away. "
                                            League players specialize in 2-3 champs across 1-3 roles. It's not like DotA where you attempt to master the majority of heroes.

                                            "i saw his history and he had almost same items every game."
                                            This is true as fuck. League players like to spout that their game has a ton of variety but your rune page, masteries, summoner spells, skill build, and item build are all set in fucking stone with at most 1 item changing per game. You will NEVER skill up something else, never change your runes/masteries, and your summoner spells are decided by your role, not your champion, which there are 5 roles and 1 set of summoner spells for each one...namely...The carry WILL have heal/flash, the mid WILL have ignite/flash, top WILL have teleport/flash, support WILL have exhaust/flash, and the jungler WILL have smite/flash. There are quite a few others, but you will be reported as fuck if you dare attempt to use them and about a 90% chance someone on your team will dodge the game because you're trying to use it. Oh did I mention the meta is stale as fuck? They claim it changes too quickly to learn, but it's been the same meta for the last what? 7 years? The only thing that changes is the 10-15 champs picked every game, but the meta itself has remained the same.

                                            "1.skill spamming, everyone has blinks and shields or something and skills to spam.
                                            i saw a hero half clockwerk half tide who would ravage every 2 seconds or so."
                                            Cooldowns in league are considered "long" if greater than 20 seconds /eyeroll

                                            "2.the interface (or hud) is kinda small and clustered."
                                            The reverse is also one of the biggest complaints from league players about dota.

                                            One of the biggest differences is that if you have a natural ability to play either game, dota you can run off and be "successful" with...league on the other hand, you have another 200 games to go until level 20. Ranked starts at 30, go to hell. But like Raspharus said up above, it comes down to personal opinion. There is no "clearly better" game because it depends on what makes a game better. The only thing they really share is a genre. It's like comparing Starcraft with Warhammer, they're just different.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I like dota cus it's not a twitchy game. It's more of a thinking man's game.


                                                I couldn't agree more with hush, when i tried it it just didn't feel right, as for dota2 i had the exact same feeling as playing dota1 but with better graphics and a wider screen since its 1920 x 1080.

                                                besides that i dont like the cookie cutter talents and glyphs in LoL and the pay2win system where if u don't have the latest hero u MIGHT be placed at a disadvantage


                                                I am soo stuck at witcher 3 atm lol, feels so damn good

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                                                plz do

                                                  ^ daaamn my key store delivered too late . i start DL now :( so excited :D and no spoilerino pls

                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                    @i am also playing TW3. Prepare for naked asses Kappa


                                                      cant td, cant play roaming supps, meta defined by company not players, towers dmg too much early game and are useless paper past 15, turn rates dont exist(might be a good thing), NO DENYING WTF


                                                        also fuck too much spell spam and pretty much anything benao said