General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes practice 1v1 mode have it's own hidden mmr

Does practice 1v1 mode have it's own hidden mmr in General Discussion

    Or is it based off of your normal matchmaking mmr?


      Want to know cause i keep winning every single match


        no idea, but the number of people searching for it is so small you'll always end up with someone with a very different skill level


          it does have it, you can see it under


            i dont think it increases as u win solo 1v1s, i remember like grinding 20-30 1v1s and still being in normal cos i put newbie or something

            THICC BABY SHUM

              but u see brackets there


                idk you can get matched with ppl from diff skill brackets since theres so few ppl queuing the mode.
                not to mention your own mmr is around normal/high/


                  if ure that curious just add all of them

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    what for..... i already shown my page and you can clearly see that i had normal skill games and last 2 were high skill. its proven that there is.


                      nobody got time to add them all holy jesus


                        and if it really has its own brackets it will be my first time on high skill games soooon FUCK YEA

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          they migt not even add and might lie


                            Haha the one 1v1 game I played, I just played sniper and used shrapnel to kill the tower.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              lol,how did it take a year to kill?


                                Nope, 9 minutes and 47 seconds.

                                Pretty sure anyone could do this for a 100% win.

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  What if your vs qop who just has lane always pushed, will not have range and will die at lvl 6


                                    Just use shrapnel enemy tower from your side of the river. The cast range is redic and t1 towers don't have bd protect. Can't really see how anyone could mess it up.

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      I will try it, you sould try kotl, just spamq and creeps willdo a bit dmg to tower everytime, lol


                                        Eventually your enemy will be able to fend off the wave. There is literally nothing they can do to stop shrapnel damage, save glyph and tree heal.


                                          there is not, it can be just chance that your last two games were high skill simply because there are so little people playing, plus your own mmr is between normal and high skill too.

                                          what so hard to add people lolz i add 9 people each game for every smurf i calibrate

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            i don't need smurf to have fun. so i wouldn't know.


                                              ? the 2nd sentence wasnt directed at you o.O