General Discussion

General Discussioni need help xD

i need help xD in General Discussion

    So i have friends in net cafe that range mmr between 2.5k and 3.7k and they r all pretty bad except the 3.6k-3.7k they r not THAT bad , now the problem all of them say that there team mates r holding them i tell them no u can win if ur better , im 4.8k how did i get it they say im so lucky and i dont get noobs in my team and they have bad luck they get best against them and feeders with them and they dared me to win with there mmr and accs so i borrowed one of there accs in 3 games i won 3 they said im lucky and a noob xDD they r like 7 players and they really annoy me what can i do to prove them that they r just as retarded as there team or should i give up?


      Get them on teamspeak, give me IP and I'll explain everything for them.

      NextStep ®

        Or ask them to get on here. DD様 will explain everything.


          go 1 v 1 on mid, if you are 1k higher then you will rekt them easy and then call them noobs.


            You can do the other way around: give them your account for few games.


              tell them you can win 10-20 games with 90% + winrate on their acc? ask them to pay you if u succeed so you dont get jewed.


                1v1 mid lets go boys!


                  peruvian detected


                    @dd i will try today to get them with u @ ts
                    @6_din i wont lose my rank for this tards but i have a smurf sitting at 4.6k mmr ill let them try a game or two on it
                    @fan i tried that and they said i will prove im better but they wont pay me anything i wont waste my time and money to prove them shit lmao
                    I cant understand what do they have inside the skull ... brain or potato...


                      @DaV this is the answer really good answer , ill just give up cuz there is no hope xD

                      King of Low Prio

                        Este comentário foi editado

                          Just tell them off that they are fucking bad at dota and ask them to quit.


                            tell them you want to play 10 games on their account, if you do not win all 10 you'll suicide


                              its possible to lose even if ure 1k underated actually


                                FanofEnvy, he is 4.7k and his friends are 2.7, its literally impossible to lose


                                  2.5 to 3.7


                                    Im 90% sure ill win 10/10 and 10% 9/10 but theres no reason to waste time and money really

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      you are wasting alot of time complaining that these kids will not acknowledge you.........


                                        1 v 1 them whats the problem....
                                        in 10 min you should be pwning them, not as much of a waste of time as this thread.


                                          post ts3 IP here if x. :))