General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease help me, tell me what wrong I did 0-20 min. in this game check...

Please help me, tell me what wrong I did 0-20 min. in this game check the replay in General Discussion
Strongmind I was like 1-10 or smth after 20 min. into a game with Spectre and almost totally give up with frustration cus I couldn`t do anything like really what could I do better please check and tell me. After 20 min. - 30 min. I started to feed few kills on purpose frustrated and at 30 min. I tryed to play again. I was solo vs Timbersaw Lion left me for some reason to `roam` or smth Axe suicided to Timbersaw at his tower so I needed to play lvl 3 spectre vs 6-7 lvl Timbersaw he dive me at tower nobody tp I die. I coudlnt even farm Ring of health or some shit there was -10000 space to come close to creeps cause of Timber or to farm woods I couldn`t do anything every time I go on lane again he dive tower nobody tp to help I die as well slark come to gank me and Legion. If i try farm woods they just came plz tell me first 20 min. what would you do here 5k+ players?

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    playinginursockdrawer mm soc

      *Warning: Advice comes from a 2k scrub*
      Farm their jungle. If they come for you, then the rest of your team have space to farm your own jungle.


        I hope you are trolling


          I m Spectre with 3-4-5 lvl with no items not a fucking Lifestealer or Enigma

          playinginursockdrawer mm soc

            Then get a Vlads, it allows you to still contribute to early teamfights while providing lifesteal to jungle.

            waku waku

              oppa manta style


                If you are solo vs timbersaw with spectre,you can do almost nothing actually.Lion could beat the shit out of timbersaw wirh constant harassing.All you have to do is calling lion back to lane or you can stay at fountain(better than feeding).About early jungling,you can farm jungle with some choke point tricks with almost every hero(not so efficient ofc but still you can)


                  Exactly I could stayed base only better than 1v1 timber .

                  Sōu ka

                    get a stout shield and boots (not starting items but get them early) stack and pull neutral camps if you cant stay in lane
                    use dagger to aggro creeps and pull them between t1 and t2 tower

                    honestly he shouldnt fuck you that hard
                    if you have enough regen you should at least get a good amount of xp
                    at level 3 he has either only one level 2 spell or 2 level 1 spells which don't hurt that much
                    also pre 6 it's pretty hard to die you can just dagger through trees while he's stuck at the first one he hits

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                      ^ You didnt watched replay and didnt readed what I said why comment than this non-sense sentences?

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                        Sōu ka

                          i dont have to watch the replay to see that you fucked up
                          you probably have no idea how to manipulate creepwaves at all

                          Sōu ka

                            and lion is really fucking good when you have a laneward you can manadrain him so easily and then timber is a fucking melee creep
                            only thing he can do is get xp and by the time he gets bottle he might get a kill and come back but it's really hard if lion plays correctly


                              Your biggest mistake was at the picking stage.

                              Sōu ka

                                the am with 3 butterflies won and you talk about picks
                                i hope you dont actially believe that shit

                                one and half gun

                                  ur garbage

                                  u pick heroes u cant play, how the fuck is it possible to have 164 cs at 48 minutes as a hard carry, that is my creepscore at 15-18 minutes, even with a 10k gold lead after 35 minutes you STILL failed to carry you fucking garbage piece of shit

                                  cant fucking believe you and the 9 players in this match could end up in my team because this is around the same time i play solo ranked and just thinking how any of you fucking 10 shitters could instapick mid/carry/offlane irritates the fuck out of me


                                    AM won? I didn't watch the game but he has the lowest KDA and HD on his team.


                                      IDK why you would sit in the fountain, sure a lvl 3 specter cant jungle fast at all, but slowly farming the jungle beats feeding or doing nothing. its not like a solo timber could gank you any way since you would see he was missing right away and just walk away. you don't need regain to jungle at lvl 3 since you can just buy cheep items and suicide, QB + shield should have been enough for you to get some type of passive regain & some lvls in a few minutes and then you would be fine to farm the jungle. also you could have just begged one of your team mates to come and help you in lane. you might have had a shot at winning if you just didn't feed on purpose the your team was actually doing fine until the late game.

                                      sitting in a lane and feeding is what people did in low 2k. you should really know better, and just give up on the lane as soon as you realized you couldn't even leach XP safely.

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                                        Sōu ka I know how to do with crepwaves and how to manipulate positions of the creeps its not about that,you man got some kind of autism I think you didn`t watched replay and you bullshiting around and have no idea about this game so I won`t share any more words for you and waste my time cus obviosly you have 0 gaming sense. I said Axe suicided to Timber he get lvls Lion wasnt on lane and I m 1v1 vs Timbersaw and I can`t come close to creep cus He will use 1,2 spell and ultimate and just kills me and I can`t even leech exp cus he ll dive and kill me at tower.

                                        wave get a life sure 160 cs 15 min. you ll have with Spectre vs solo Timbersaw you in this game will just have 0-20 and go afk cus you wont be able to do shit without support you ll cry and abandon game probably cus you are 0. 0 at real life 0 at dota , so sad.

                                        Sōu ka

                                          okay if i get 5 people wanting to watch the replay with me here i'll stream watching your game and telling you what you did wrong

                                          BIG FAT DUCK

                                            have u ever considered playing another role

                                            BIG FAT DUCK

                                              like literally you've been playing hard carry for what? 10 months and made no progress?

                                              something something insanity doing the same things over and over something something by einstein

                                              i don't actually feel sorry for you, i feel sorry for ur team because u probably instapick a carry and expect them to support you with 2 heroes and then they end up underfarmed/food all game while ur ability to carry is dubious at best judging by your mmr/record on carries

                                              i think ddsama already flamed you like 5x but u don't take criticism at all. you just want a scapegoat. u ask what u can do better but what u really want is "yes bogi u play so gud ur team sux" type commentary

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                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                  don't play dota. I'm not playing til they fix MMR/ranking system/troll/griefers.

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                                                      You should relax a bit and not let your feelings get in the way of games.
                                                      Not wasting energy on figuring out what others did wrong helps maintain focus in solo ranked.

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                                                      one and half gun
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                                                          ^Ooo! How do you report someone who already isn't eligible for rankings?


                                                          one and half gun

                                                            can bogidota and this kid above me get banned


                                                              why is everyone so tense




                                                                  when you cant farm, you roam. simple as that.
                                                                  yes, on hard carries as well. saw so many times where arteezy would try to play safe lane pa only to have 10 cs and a death in 5 minutes. then he gets a bottle and roams. ends up raping anyways, coz well, rtz.

                                                                  but point is, change the mindset, change the playstyle. cant farm with spec? try to get urn, lvl 6 and roam. blademail diffu etc.

                                                                  BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                    isn't the "ineligible for rankings" talking point like a year old now lol

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                                                                    BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                      ^ yea i've seen plenty of spectres just say "fuck it i can't farm against timber cuz my supports aren't here" and just go urn/drums and go kill shit

                                                                      u don't need to farm 10 cs/minute to win games, and most 4k's have the senses of a bat during daytime so you can just ping on someone and kill them

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                                                                        because bogi is the biggest fgt ive ever seen
                                                                        did watched
                                                                        who the fck is so stupid to do this kind of shlt grammar
                                                                        also he sucks ass

                                                                        one and half gun

                                                                          whats more funny is that kid plays with chris i think

                                                                          the mastermind who achieved 6k by "playing" in south africa lolz

                                                                          bum farto

                                                                            The problem with most hard carries and players is that they seem to have this sad mentality that not having 300+ cs in 25 minutes means GG. Most will not even touch a team fight till they have enough farm to basically 1v5 the whole team but this is what is majorly sad.

                                                                            I have seen carries going around with their team and raping kills while the opposing carry just farms claiming he has to make up for his teams feeding where all they really needed is their carry in 1-2 of the fights just to provide that little edge even if it was a small one. There are cases where all that afk farm pays off but this is where the opposing team make the mistake of not pushing their advantage.

                                                                            Also you went a heart vs a timber who was already raping your team. O_o ??

                                                                            Sōu ka

                                                                              okay at 9 minutes your inventory was a gauntlet of strength, quelling blade, magic stick and a blade of attack and you want to get a ring of health and die 2-3 times with boots money and don't spend anything

                                                                              the reason you lost the lane in the first 2 minutes is because neither you nor the lion have any concept of lane control
                                                                              you both aggro the creeps resulting in the fucking ranged creeps to stack up and he has 4 waves in a perfectly safe and outzonable position where he can lasthit without any problem and nobody's even trying to pull the lane back

                                                                              yeah the lion didn't skill the right spells and didn't know how to play but it's kinda pointless to zone out the enemy perfectly when your carry has no idea how to maintain lane equilibrium

                                                                              and your axe was owning solo killing the timber (timber pretty much killed himself) and having highest net worth in 8 minutes

                                                                              you spend half your game afk and clicking on the map as well as opening the scoreboard and all chatting and flaming your team when the game was still perfectly winnable

                                                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                Sorry if it's a dumb question, but why didn't you skill dispersion if your lane was hard to survive?


                                                                                  Söu ka, haven't you heard that looking around the map all the time and watching scoreboard every 5seconds makes you a good player?

                                                                                  He-h. What you wrote seems so right compared to what I've seen too.


                                                                                    Any lvl 3 hero vs a lvl 6-7timbersaw will lose so bad, especially on sidelanes where he can move freely.


                                                                                      any lever 3 hero will lose against a level6 timbersaw in any lane for that matter.

                                                                                      BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                                        actually i would like to correct 1 misconception, lion can potentially neuter timber in lane by getting 2 points in mana drain by level 3 (hex at level 1 still)

                                                                                        honestly with the shit damage on spikes and the fact that there is no way spectre can possibly kill timber you're better off just draining his mana so he can't harass you with his spells even if it means fewer points in spikes

                                                                                        if i have to end up solo supporting i would probably just pick lich and spam q/e, while praying my mid and offlane do reasonably well

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                                                                                        BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                                          did anyone actually watch the replay

                                                                                          whenever someone asks/pleads for replay reviewing i doubt 99% of people bother to open it up lol

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                                                                                            sou ka did and he said what i expected bogi to be
                                                                                            a fking noob being toxic


                                                                                              Lmao. Learn to switch lane and go early game build perhaps you'll not be so bad at dota.

                                                                                              Dota 101 : You don't have to stay in the safe lane just because you are 'a carry'.

                                                                                              I truthfully have no idea how you managed 164 cs in a 48 mins game.

                                                                                              I'm pretty sure spectre does decent against timber pre-6, and you should have gotten at least some tank items. I havent seen the replay but i'm pretty sure you didnt get a magic stick? Rofl. That's possibly the best item for value against a timbersaw diving your tower.

                                                                                              Idk dude. You deserved to lose because you aren't supposed to be in that MMR. Keep on losing until you reach your comfort level.

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                                                                                                  Kappatino Cappucino Than don`t talk shit if you didn`t watched replay. And yes ofc I had stick and didn`t helped with Timbersaw dives. I coudln`t switch lane we had 5300 mmr phoenix who wanted solo off we had 0-4-0 mid Templar who lost mid and slark was overfeed if I went mid i can`t come close to creeps cus Slark will kill me as well as timber and Phoenix was solo off vs antimage where also I can`t go and survive vs earthshaker and early blink dagger on Legion as well mana drain from Am. Only option was wood but i was out of items and spectre with 0 items and 0 lvls is not the best wooder in the world as well with 0 wards in our wood game is hard and plz don`t bullshiting and trying to act like you know smth if you didn`t watched replay and saw what was actully hapening I m 4600 mmr not to buy stick rly?

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                                                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                                                    you buy fucking claws of attack before you get boots when you have a quelling blade against a timber
                                                                                                    hows timber gonna deny you when you have a quelling blade and he has 50 base damage

                                                                                                    and i told you that you need boots early on even without watching the replay and then you tell me that i talk shit and that i have no idea about the actual game and you actually got your boots 10 min in
                                                                                                    timbersaw is is 100% relying on positioning and if you dont have boots of course you're getting fucked

                                                                                                    and you get 1 set of regen against timbersaw and went back to base at level 2 and when you came back he was level 4 and you still had 0 regen
                                                                                                    you are also willing to trade 250hp for 1 cs the way you are playing

                                                                                                    the ta that was 0-4 was playing against the slark who had 8 cs at 6 minutes and the game was still so fucking even at that point

                                                                                                    also when you have 0 farm and game impact dont expect you teammates to fucking babysit you as it is highly inefficient to have 2 heroes sit there with an average of 1cs/min and you'd probably die either way

                                                                                                    you didn't need to win that lane all you had to do was not being utterly useless and annoying but hey it's easier that way

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