General Discussion

General Discussiongg trolls

gg trolls in General Discussion

    -Players can no longer drop or take other players' unsharable items on the courier
    -Players can no longer store other players' unsharable items in their stash
    -Items on heroes controlled by players who have disconnected, but not yet abandoned, can no longer be dropped from their inventories


      bottle is considered as sharable right?

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        peru and russia in fire


          what about a guy who buys 6 branches and put it into the courier, nobody will be able to take it off


            6 branches is easy: report!

            Or buy your own courier to keep 6 branches in, to avoid letting anyone else use it :D

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              Yeah bottle is sharable. It only applies to muted items like blademail or a salve.

              lol 6 branches nice abuse.

              Spinach Rag

                New patch: branches stack on a single slot when carried by courier. =/

                Better yet: duplicate items from one hero stack on one slot when carried by courier. =/


                slippers / mantle / gauntlet

                fuck that!

                New patch:

                1. Duplicate items from one hero stack on one slot when carried by courier.
                2. After 3 minutes, courier drops undelivered items at fountain.

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                  new way of trolling.. put 6 branches in courier.. gg :laugh:


                    that does not fix anything at all, the entire premise of making the courier more "ungriefable" is stupid anyway, if i want to grief you i damn well can... if they want to fix griefing at all they need to first 1) make it obvious to indentify the griefer 2) make reports mean something..
                    the patch did improve the 2nd point.. but not the 1st.. the feature where you can see who is using the courier.. doesnt detect the actions of dropping items (retarded), returning items to stash, returning courier to base, or any H or S command.
                    you can just suicide courier by commanding the courier to drop branch/item at tower etc...

                    mini griefing guide..

                    Miku Plays

                      new patch:
                      courier drops 6 branches


                        @fanofenvy that's totally true

                        If only we had something similar to sc2 replay, we could see exactly what's being made, and WHICH UNIT is currently selected.

                        In addition, it's actually pretty easy to code something who does:

                        •Detect who drop a certain item from a the courier
                        •Where does it drop (make like 2 zone, one little in base (but not in tree and not the whole base), and one big covering the rest of the map)
                        •If in the item is not taken in next 5 min by the player
                        •Then auto report the guy who droppped the item

                        It's just so fucking easy to make a programme like that
                        1) --> wow so hard, the game already do it, since you cann't drop item from enemy courier :p
                        2) --> we have the exact same thing for respawn spot in wood
                        3) --> Wow we have that very timer for afk, hard to take it back
                        4) --> we have the exact same thing for abandon !

                        They already have 95% of this slight anti abuser programme, yet they didn't do it...

                        Edit: does not count item with a cost inferior to 125 so we are fine ^^

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                          shouldnt auto report, mistakes may be made: sometimes there are the cheapskates who return their branch to the courier but forget to sell it, 40 min in the branch is still inside the courier @@ teammates too lazy to ask him sell for 25 g => drop item


                            u can still put them in their owners stash, so dont see a problem there



                              I believe the reason they don't have such a thing is because they don't really give a fuck. Punishments seem to be automated instead of being processed by admins/mods.


                                well this punished is automated (and yeah punishment are not processed by admins (with some rare exception))

                                ICE SKULL

                                  if it wasn't automated, it means valve would have to hire somebody to take care of minimum 3k reports every day

                                  but you could filter these and change it so that reports can only be manually checked if many 5k+ players report somebody (aka overwatch bans from Cs:GO)


                                    ^ yes because 5k+ players don't have a completely different view of what is just bad positioning and what its intentional feeding, and totally never rage report other 5ks who are having a bad day for being smerfs.


                                      so basically now instead of a clicking battle the courier to get it I have to press E to get the branches out while he just presses D.

                                      Problem solved.


                                        5k is way to few, most of 5k5- are still fucking clue less of the game...
                                        (including a lot of "pros")

                                        And countrary to cs, you can inovate with some fucking weird strategy (well i guess, cs go seems to me more limited for "solo" strategy)
                                        Thing like tb wood would never have comes to the sunlight if 5k player could have report freely

                                        (considering the amount of flame i receive back then, and how much i still get (much less, cause it start to be known, but still some)

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                                            Courier now has 6 unsharable slots for each player.

                                            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                              and what if u put 6 unsharable items on courier for evah?

                                              I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                It's bad when u play with a team or ppl who u know, it should have an option like disable the help from this player

                                                Jorges Sanz

                                                  I much rather have share unit toggle option added to couriers like in wc3 except that it should be separate from share unit toggle option already in place.

                                                  Its not going to stop trolls from doing their thing... since theres so many other ways to mess around with the game, i.e. planting rice/wheat fields in your own fountain with mass gg branch then flaming your own team with some witty/racist farming jokes.

                                                  Admittedly, I'm guilty of doing that in AD. Found out there was a limit to the number of ggbranches bought, after that, game doesnt allow you to buy any items at all.


                                                    And that would also solve vladimir not working on chicken (if it comes back to self chicken that we s hare)

                                                    Jorges Sanz

                                                      ^If i get what you're trying to say, i don't think that was meant to work on D2. If not, imagine what other shenanigans you could do with e.g. radiance.


                                                        Radiance was mutted on chicken in dota
                                                        but vladimir not mutted
                                                        cuirasse not mutted
                                                        I think shiva was mutted
                                                        dagon wasn't mutted
                                                        midas wasn't mutted at some point

                                                        anyway, there were great thing we could do with chicken, when you were fullstuff, and had to continue "to farm" cause being the only one to be able to unpush

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                                                          Patch UPDATE:

                                                          6 branches now drop a courier

                                                          Jorges Sanz

                                                            I just checked on 6.61c, 1.24e wc3...

                                                            Rad, Shiva, Vlads, RoB, AC, Mek all provide the unmuted aoe effects (non-active) on both flying and non-flying courier. Could use dagger as well, though some items such as shivas had the courier edition meaning you probably couldn't use the active.

                                                            Could test for older maps but i don't know where i kept my version switcher.

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