General Discussion

General DiscussionGuide on how to get free Dotabuff Plus(I hope I'm not late to the par...

Guide on how to get free Dotabuff Plus(I hope I'm not late to the party lol!!!) in General Discussion

    Naruto is Okish......

    But man, you gotta watch something like Code Geass or Gurren Lagann. If you want to see either majestic or manly, watch that shit.

    waku waku

      why does not anyone care about ys, or shin megami tensei, or disgaea, you disgust me


        I bought all available on Steam Ys games. Yet to play them, though. Same goes for FFVII and VIII. But, these all are nothing compared to Fate/Stay Night. NOTHING.


          I played Persona 4: Golden, does that count? Also I'm playing Disgaea 3 right now.

          waku waku

            you should really play ys, like, right now, they're so awesome, except maybe oath in felghana which is slightly less awesome

            woah i'm so jealous, i don't think i could fit a ps 3 with a screen in this dorm room even if i wanted to, and ps 3 emulation is not developed yet ;_;


              Well you could get a Vita like me and play D3 (and D4 just came out for Vita too I think) wherever you want.

              Hex Sigma

                you guys should try warframe, it's pretty good
                @Soul Eater 676 i saw code geass


                  All the way through or season 1?

                  If first, good for you.

                  If bad, HOW DARE YOU NOT FINISH IT!


                    Ichigo 100% is awesome. And mfw people think watching 'non-popular' anime or whatever makes you better and smarter. I always thought anime folks were one of the more nicer people of the Internet rofl

                    I only read first page.


                      Why every topic where Melody is mentioned turns into anime discussion ?
                      I like anime but wtf ppl

                      Jay Ashborne

                        People think it's all I do when honestly I nerd up on WH40/DnD more than anything I havent watched an anime in a few months. I'm just informed about alot of animes.


                          ^^Pff. Let's discuss something different, I'm ready to hear your suggestions.

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                          Jay Ashborne

                            Havoc revamped me with a PM or two. This week I will be dumping efforts into attempting to further the community. IE Bringing old melody back.


                              wow there are actually anime elitists? can you people get any more pathetic

                              Este comentário foi editado

                                ok lemme think..
                                ponies and anime everywhere, I can't focus right now sorry


                                  hannes needs the dotabuff plus!

                                  bum farto



                                      this havoc, so generous


                                        i feel like this thread would be entertaining if i actually read it.
                                        but i won't read it.
                                        anyone wants to giff me dotobuff+ ?

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          i think everyone wants dotobuff+ for free, but it won't happen Kappa.

                                          I'm just waiting for some kind of free trial to check db+ out so i can make up my mind if it's worth it or naht.


                                            official begging thread now


                                              Dear Dotabuff staff,
                                              I want DB plus.

                                              Thanks for your attention,
                                              random 5k scrub.


                                                Chris I don't think I have you added on my new acc t.t


                                                  Is it possible to get a short trial once off?
                                                  I have no clue what DotaBuff + entails, before I spend some money I would at least like to see what I would be getting.
                                                  It doesn't have to be long, a few hours would be enough. Maybe something you can add?


                                                    lol wave, i remember you used to flame relentless at every given opportunity

                                                    i've played with relentless in dota 1 pubs and while i don't think he's good, it's kind of unfortunate that people said "lol 3.3k mmr giving advice" when people who are not good/great at dota can actually be quite knowledgeable. i ask androgynous for builds sometimes even though he's only 4.1k~ because he knows a lot

                                                    that being said, it's also unfortunate that most of what he said in his last moments here in a debate against zenoth turned out to be wrong (zenoth was right)


                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      ^ biggest problem with Relentless was that he couldn't accept being wrong (most of the time what he said was sound but not always)

                                                      bum farto

                                                        Relentless was a lot of good theory crafting and game mechanics, he couldn't however execute these himself. He was a good player in theory and his advice was always really good, but I don't think he could practice so much what he preached.

                                                        Also wave didn't you have a picture on your old account of him jungling troll and some comment :)

                                                        kanye went to uni

                                                          Wasn't Relentless' last attack on wave the accusation that he's YajirobeFromDC? xD There were a lot of things he turned out to be wrong about, really, but it was more his attitude that set him apart - he would watch random people's replays to help them out and give constructive advice in a non-patronising manner. People now (with some exceptions of course) are like, both patronising + shittalking and not trolling, worst of both worlds imo :p

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Yeah Relentless 3k or not helped a lot of people

                                                            The only idiot who didnt like him was Sampson

                                                            kanye went to uni

                                                              Well ... there was also Swiftending, pre-uni Vaikiss ... I thought he only originally found favour by being liked by that murs guy.

                                                              But yeah RIP Relentless please come back, at the moment this forum is either NADota with less good players or Reddit with more flame :p xD

                                                              edit: NOT TO TAKE AWAY FROM CURRENT DISTINGUISHED FORUM CONTRIBUTERS ... just occurred to me that sounded mighty douchey towards you guys :p

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                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                ^lol so true

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  relentless' theories where fucking retarded I wish he came back just to prove it


                                                                    "where" fucking retarded."


                                                                    more importantly, Jason best troll 2014

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      fawk I am dyslexic, I tend to miss these things :(


                                                                        hello, world