General Discussion

General DiscussionAWWWWW YIS

AWWWWW YIS in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    my drow got picked

    My dawg



        2bad they gonna lose this shit man
        but i like TA and drow aswell :(

        King of Low Prio

          yea they will prob lose, liquid had a better lineup for drow. I dont think it was a good pick for their comp at all but we shall see


            What happened to the game?

            King of Low Prio

              lag issues

              King of Low Prio

                people need to stop watching it in game it is the reason for all the lag, watch it on twitch to help the games :P

                Krazy Kat

                  Could be a ddos attack. Could just be shitty Valve servers.
                  *gets impatient*



                    sweet dreams huh

                    King of Low Prio


                      you would only be able to ddos one player (I dont think anyone is stupid enough to try and ddos valve directly because the cops would be at their home in a couple of hours)


                        SO SAD DOTA SERVERS SCUK THOUGH :| Last patch made everything fck up. Even opening the compendium lags and you need to "download" the data.

                        Cmon valve, we just gave u millions of tangoes.

                        King of Low Prio
                          Este comentário foi excluído

                            ^how u know, where is info? this excites me wooohooo

                            King of Low Prio

                              mistake I confused the story with something else


                                right my naga<3

                                that was a dry joke refering to all the sampasonsama drama occuring lately. No offns.

                                Este comentário foi editado
                                King of Low Prio

                                  ban inc :P

                                  Jason have mercy

                                  Krazy Kat

                                    anyway, any predictions? NAR seems to be the more flexible team. Liquid goes for fast advantage and snowball from there. If they don't get ahead early they usually lose.
                                    I predict NAR get early leads and wins in 35 minutes.


                                      Noononooonooo!!! :(8(

                                      I think NAR will take it. I dno why, but my heart says Liquid doesnt deserve international.
                                      Take being in the qualifiers as an achievement I guess lolz


                                        for the picks i think its a NAR loss


                                          Drow Is mein!!!!


                                            Delayed till tomorrow.
                                            Sneyking said it in their test match and they all logged out.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              lame, how dare they taunt me with a drow :*(

                                              Mikkei Combine

                                                Another lame attempt at sampson for trying to show off his emotional attachment to intangible things. Why do you insist on trying this hard?

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  ^which mad nerd is this?


                                                    prob a friend of hael. Considering his name I'd not be surprised.


                                                      it is hael, and it needs to be banned

                                                      Mikkei Combine

                                                        Not mad, just calling you out.


                                                          Imagine if dotabuff had all the trolls, the strangers and the serious guys there is, but without the "retards" if you can call it that, like hael and this odd guy.

                                                          That'd be cool boys,


                                                            its not an odd guy, it literally is hael, hes on teamspeak


                                                              That's sad. Can't get rid of him right.

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                HAHAHA im actually talking to Hael this kid is insane


                                                                  aoakopdksaopkdsap khypee i want to be there too

                                                                  Mikkei Combine

                                                                    I admire sam and wink's manipulative skills for capturing dainty hearts like this sama guy to repeat your status quo.


                                                                      And he didn't deny a single accusation.

                                                                      *waits for edits*


                                                                        MINE!!!! U FAGGOTS STAY WITH UR MIRANA!!! MEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                        Mikkei Combine

                                                                          ^ my point proven.


                                                                            Hael is trying to manipulate sleave

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                                            Miku Plays

                                                                              ^ i saw your edit wink ;3


                                                                                shhh he just sent me the screenshot


                                                                                  Ok hael you just pissed me off gratz

                                                                                  Let me tell you why you're shit:
                                                                                  1. you buy accounts drop 1500 MMR and bitch about matchmaking
                                                                                  2. you have a MMR of 3200 and winrate of 48% on your main and 43% on your smurf need more proof of how bad you are?
                                                                                  3. 10 out of 10 people know you are shit. wave atleast has a few morons on his ass.
                                                                                  4. your name is stupid and is spelled more stupid
                                                                                  5. I played with you once while playing with friend you rq 3 mins into the game because i was owning ur ass in lane literally meats***.com
                                                                                  6. You are infact the worst fucking personality i've seen on the internet.
                                                                                  7. I dont watch anime so fuck Sama,kama or any fucking stupid Japanese bullshit so your comment is irrelevant
                                                                                  8. Fk you

                                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                  Mikkei Combine

                                                                                    you shouldn't allow people to get you worked up man. What you think you know may or may not be true. Unless you are of course sam and wink. They think that if you try to know you will always be correct rather than being corrected. Confusing right? Not only that but some of these claims seem false looking at the dotabuff.

                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                      so mid or feed is hael? ban again?


                                                                                        hael would make some kind of shitty statistic, then when we disagree with him, he would say we didnt disprove it, yet he never even proved it in the first place.

                                                                                        Jay Ashborne
                                                                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            I remeber joining the TS and telling Hael to call me a 'nigga', kid was didnt even have the balls to say it :P

                                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                                              ^ What I was referencing lol.

                                                                                              King of Low Prio


                                                                                                Mikkei Combine

                                                                                                  This is the last time I will explain posting this. (Not that it will do any good). You can't measure morals and ethics and majority of what I have talked about is that exactly mixed in with a little bit of psychology which is not 100% measurable itself. I would never make a shitty statistic because mostly what I claim is something that doesn't have a statistic. Statistics are mostly for measuring simplistic thing.

                                                                                                  You can't measure the point I am making because it has non-measurable claims in it. If we wanted to talk about how many people drink pepsi or how many people play dota2, that is something that we could argue more closely with statistics. However, not to mention the numbers could still be wrong because they could of counted alts, or stolen accounts, or anyone who has downloaded the game and never played it, Its never precise. Numbers don't lie, but numbers that can be manipulated by someone can lie.

                                                                                                  Another point is you guys really need to re-evaluate the denotation of racism, because it is definitely not what you guys are thinking. Of course you are using it as a crutch to get your way, but you are also approaching it with the connotation (which is slightly off) and you are acting like an idiot about it because most of you are white haha. The word was used to describe ignorant behavior which was obviously what was going on in the video sampson posted. You feel doing some barbaric thing back in a term of opinion and subjective cause he didn't like it? Reminds me of the insecure kids that want to 1v1 you cause they don't like your critique you give them in Dota. What is this 2nd century Rome?

                                                                                                  Also let me clarify some claims here.
                                                                                                  1). Never said I was higher rating than what I deserve and I know where I stand on rating
                                                                                                  2). I never bought an account or barter. All my accounts are shared with someone else and vice versa. I guess I just live in all corners of the world
                                                                                                  3). I'm not racist. I think all races, culture, or ethnicity have their pros and cons and should be pointed out
                                                                                                  4). I never said "Canceling animation is a spectator thing to say but people don't do" I was pointing out that its a thing that you know you should do at a certain level of dota and people forget to do it at times but they know they missed doing it the moment you don't do it. I was pointing out to zenoth that I wanted him to point out game sense mistakes, not game mechanics. Game mechanis (if you know a lot) is something that doesn't need to be re-established, its the when, how and where that needs help with more experience players
                                                                                                  5). I use to make accounts back a couple years ago when I was a nub and would play different heroes on different accounts and dodge low priority when it had the duration timer on it. Now I use it to remain anonymous with different heroes and games. I actually have two accounts with Dota + that I actually try and play on. I mostly play with anybody on my main steam account, because it is my main and has all my friends on it, meaning i do not need to re-add them.

                                                                                                  I didn't need to explain this but you guys seemed confused and I thought I should clarify.

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    3). I'm not racist. I think all races, culture, or ethnicity have their pros and cons and should be pointed out.

                                                                                                    this is why you have no friends

                                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                                      "3). I'm not racist. I think all races, culture, or ethnicity have their pros and cons and should be pointed out."


                                                                                                      but, i do agree that calling someone nigga doesnt make you a racist, being racist is what makes you a racist