General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for Team 4K MMR

Looking for Team 4K MMR in General Discussion

    I play carry or offlane. I can support fairly well. I can't mid (I could, but I never practice it, so I'd never competitively want to play that role).

    My current MMR is much lower than I believe it should be and I'm sick of solo queueing with idiots, so I'm looking for a team to play ranked tmm or 5 stacking rmm.

    (My current MMR is 3700 but I feel like it's terribly off and should be closer to at LEAST 4400, I determined this by comparing to friends, and the fact that any game I ranked solo queue I end up being the only person not being an idiot in my team. It's not just me thinking I'm better with no reason, whenever I play with higher ranked friends the games are actually fun and I feel like I'm actually at my skill level)

    Invite steamID: blacknite888.


      Everyone thinks they are better than their mmr, usually by 300-500 points... its because you realise the mistakes of ppl around your lvl, but not all of your own, so it seems you are better than they are. Party queue with higher mmr friends is tricky, while it truely makes the game more fun, doesnt mean you belong there. I did won 2 out of 2 games with a 5.5k guy, and 50%ish of games while stacking with others, avg party mmr around 3.7-4.2k. Does it mean i could be useful if put into a 4k solo queue game where eveeyone is 4k? Nope... party queue means usually enemy also has a noob. Plus, you get orders/advice from higher mmr friends, so again, doesnt count. If you want to improve, watch some of your lost games in your perapective and realise you were a retard too. dont choose that one game when you had a team of 4 foreigners trolling.. other games, they are on enemy team giving you a free win. Choose close games.

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        3700 say 4400 must be legit. LOOOOOOOOL Ok. I need to have 5400 mmr than.. fucking volvo mm.

        Ples Mercy

          i dont even believe u that u have a 3,7k mmr.


            ^Add him as friend to check!

            Have a cow
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                4100 MM ill add you and play a match with you and see if you are not as bad as your rating says.........

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  3.7k and 4k is pretty similar level. Heck when I was playing 3.8k and I was 3.2k I was actually better than him so. Anybody in 3k-3.9k are probably in same tier. 4k-4.7k in same tier, then 5K+ is in different tier. etc...As for lower levels I don't see any different from 3k to 2.7k players. You don't see very bad players til like 2.5k or 2.2k. Don't know about 1k I expect them to be just all TROLLS.


                    One of my brothers friends got a 1.5k MM

                    I have no idea how he is so bad at dota(he is fairly good at other games) he will build basher on every single hero


                      3700 is no where near the skill level of 4400 . ive got a few friends on my list that low and they are no where CLOSE to the skill level of 4k bracket. not saying 4k bracket is skilled or anything

                      dunning kruger.

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                        what are u smoking? There is a slight difference between 3k and 4k depending on what hero they are playing


                          47% WIN My eyes

                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                            So he has plateau'ed. Wonder what his MMR is.


                              I thought i was way better then i actually am too. Created a smurf, won several games with stomp and i played next 10-15 games with 5k+ people (some of them actually played with SingSing in ranked). Well, lost most of my next games (some because people leaving after feed, some because of my lack of skill) and i'm slowly dropping, like i should. It's easy to play good when you have a good team, but your true skill comes into play, when things are not going well. Then you can really notice the difference between a player whos rating will go up and player, who is where he deserves to be.

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                                LOL I guess I'm actually 6k then


                                  As I see, 500 MMR difference is what you can already see, if you play enough game with them, dont try to compare yourself to your friends, your opinion about your own skills gets inflated, just compare your friends to each other. When I was going through my friend list, i wasnt surprised at all on my friends score, i started by checking some people i felt are good compared to others on my list, then one who is supposed to be bad, then an average guy, then the rest was what i expected... and 500 is a reasonably big difference what you can usually tell.

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                                  Quick maffs

                                    I am stuck at 3,5 k elo hell pay 25 dollars for every 100 mmr pls contact

                                    Now seriously if you really think you dont deserve your MMR just win games, it should be easy at your skill level if you have time and you go mid all the games


                                      my eyes!!!!!!!!!! omg 47% win and peruvian shit :D
                                      not to mention this shit the other guy added xD

                                      like wtf dude! are u srslyy implying ur good at dota? im gonna check your server now and if its rly BR then omfg shame on u!
                                      team mmr 2900 /laugh ahahahahah


                                        AHAHHAHAHAHAHHA OMFG
                                        THIS IS one of several of those fucking peruvian scum u guys complain about that play in us WEST server ahahhahah
                                        cant stop laughing


                                          top hero ursa, 47% winrate, shadow blade WR

                                          nothing to see here, move along.


                                            lol. For one, if you don't believe me that's fine. The system is broken.

                                            Secondly, if you truely believe a winrate percentage determines skill level in any way, you REALLY should take a middle school level math class, because percentages mean absolutely nothing at all until the extremities.

                                            Thirdly, I'm trying to be as unbiased as possible, but whenever I play with people at ~4-5k rating I feel like I am at my skill level, I don't feed, I do well for the team, hell one game I actually had the team compliment me.

                                            Whatever floats your boat people, I still am looking for a team regardless.

                                            As for Ursa, I played him a lot when learning the game and perfected him, if you open my match history you'll see I never play him anymore unless I get him randomed. By the way, he is actually a decent pick in some games.


                                              These are my solo queuing ranked matches before I got fed up and went back to party matchmaking. Over 8 matches I averaged 35% kills per game and 13% deaths per game. This should be 20%/20% assuming a perfect game matchmaking as none of these games went long enough that other heroes/roles become inferior.

                                              I realize this is not any definitive proof, but you guys seem to have a real hard-on for just throwing it off as me having some kind of superiority complex. The system is broken, and I just want a team that isn't horrendous for once. My MMR is terribly low because it used the same MMR from before ranked, which I used to play with my friends a lot, 2 of which are brand new, one from LoL, one from HoN, and about 4 more who are just bad, sometimes I play games just casually for fun, as there was no visible rank before. Now that it is split I'd like to get off this shitty plateau where you can't win games because everyone is terrible.

                                              It's to the point where you have to start playing differently because you can't trust your team. You shouldn't have to scream at your teammates to take advantage of an opening when you're in a higher ranked game (And when I party with my higher ranked friends you don't have to) but when you forget your team is sheep in lower ranked you forget to tell them to attack the obvious opening, and you end up in a 2v1 where your support now farming your lane for some reason.

                                              14-12 me
                                              31 kill 56 deaths
                                              45% 21%

                                              12-1 me
                                              33 kill 18 death
                                              36% 0.5%

                                              11-4 me
                                              34% 21%
                                              32 kill 19 death

                                              3-7 me
                                              12 kill 42 death
                                              25% 16%

                                              12-7 me
                                              39 kill 49 death
                                              31% 14%

                                              16-5 me
                                              34 kill 39 death
                                              47% 13%

                                              15-2 me
                                              48 kill 32 death
                                              31% 0.6%

                                              6 kill 31 death
                                              33% 13%

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                                                i am at 4.9k mmr and i think i belong in 4.2k mmr. my team always carries me. wow such luck i got.

                                                but anyways if you're good like you say so, you'll eventually get to the skill level you actually belong in. Even higher if you improve.
                                                i started this game at 3k mmr and got 4.2k rating when the ranked came.

                                                After that i started to try hard, like really hard in ranked games and finally reached 4.9k.
                                                Team picked 4 farmers? no problem be the lone support and help setup ganks for your team.
                                                Nobody on your team wanna buy the wards? No problem buy wards yourself instead of whining about it.

                                                Someone on your team is feeding? Try to politely tell them what they did wrong instead of "FUCK NOOB" "retard" etc.
                                                I've noticed this over all my games that if you flame a person that is feeding. He tends to feed more. And you flaming him isn't going to help either.

                                                So my guess would be why you're in the mmr range you specified is because you generally have low impact games.
                                                Also stop carrying for fucks sake with that winrate on antimage and lifestealer.
                                                Usually supports are the people who help win you the game( early game atleast), and it's much smoother to transition from a good early game to a good late game.

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                                                  after reading your nonsense I wont even bother giving you a chance since you are obvious trash

                                                  bum farto

                                                    Honestly the only "teamworthy" hero in your top pool is alchemist and you play him as a carry. I would suggest trying a different angle and trying to enter a premade as a support player.


                                                      Yes, I realize this now that I should probably learn to mid or offlane and play that in solo so I can carry my team of trash. You can't win games as a carry if your team is terrible.

                                                      Congrats spirestoner. I'd really like to see your reasoning for how it is "obvious" though. You should write a thesis and make a new MMR system. You'd make millions if it's so easy to determine skill for you.


                                                        MM gives shit players low MM and good players high MM


                                                          that is the name of my paper


                                                            spirestoner are u sampson?


                                                              who is sampson?


                                                                was ur main acc banned from this forums




                                                                    I just dont want creepy 8 year olds stalking me

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                                                                      mods pls


                                                                        yes I dont understand how the mods have not removed you from harassing me


                                                                          I need an adult


                                                                            I read into that kruger effect.

                                                                            The only catch 22 is that that can be said about anyone, and no one could really prove them wrong - over the internet.
                                                                            UNLESS they're WILLING to be mature, discuss the actual mistakes that might've/might've not happened and review the replay to watch over our own errors.

                                                                            Any competitive game whether it be virtual or real, will have competent and incompetent people. Unfortunately, the internet has way too many incompetent people thinking they're competent. The irony is that it can also be said about myself, therefore, one should be extra careful before thinking they're "better".

                                                                            You will never reach the truth, as the truth doesn't even matter most of the time. It doesn't matter if you're bad or good. You can't prove that you're good to the other person/party since the probability of them also being good is highly unlikely. (Which probably means they think they're better than you AKA ego battle, which means they'll only notice your mistakes and NOT their own).
                                                                            It more so becomes an ego match, and everyone extrapolates and exaggerates ANY mistake for ANY reason only to piss off the other person or be a smart-ass. i.e. You have a 5v5 team fight, you die, but you contributed to the genocide of the other team, however, your ally bashes on you for dying (being a smart-ass), even though your death was probably necessary and inevitable.
                                                                            We all do it. Well, many of us anyways.

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                                                                              I don't care about proving to anyone anything or my magic pretty little number. I just want games that are fun. The games it queues me in normally aren't fun. The games I queue with higher ranked friends ARE fun and FEEL FAIR.

                                                                              Calling me crazy doesn't prove anything.

                                                                              Oh and that's not directed at you JUUMAD. You raise valid points. I still think through comparison to other friends and their MMR that I should be at the place they are at.

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                                                                              Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                                play heroes you are good at and if its true you should be at that ranking, it should be easy for you to get their with those heroes. if your best winrate heroes arent effective enough, dont blame the team, re-evaluate your positioning and how you play because if you cant be effective enough as your best hero in your current mmr what makes you think you deserve a better one?

                                                                                however i do know where you are coming from, i think i could have a better mmr than i have currently but it isnt about how bad your team is everygame because you are part of that team. in the end no matter what you say to anyone you cant make them better, you can only try to imrpove yourself and let them have their learning experiences, but it also comes down to everyones interpretations of the games. whether they want a serious game where you win and have fun by winning or if they just want to mess around and have a joke of a game, you cant force them to be 100% serious and do everything they can to win


                                                                                  Marlan go through your match history and show me 10 losses that where your fault


                                                                                    How this guy can even be 3.7 k mmr, 33% wr with one of his top heroes.


                                                                                      in his defense most played heroes =/ best heroes. Some people play heroes they suck with in order to improve them

                                                                                      one and half gun

                                                                                        i fucking love this spirestoner guy


                                                                                          Guys I'm 0.6k but I feel like I should be at least 6.5k. Volvo pls. MMR is broke.

                                                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                            Guys, I'll do my best to explain my interpretation of stats.

                                                                                            - quick thanks to marlan for saying I raised valid points, (:


                                                                                            That's true, you should play heroes you are good at to get a solid winrate, however, it is extremely useful to know the capabilities and "how-to's" for every hero, so you can do your best to predict the enemy's movements or intent. You'll only get to know that through playing every single hero at least 10 times. I actually learn best from losing against people better than me. They come up with extra strategies that I never really expanded on, so I take their tactics and make it my own. This is what everyone should do. But fortunately (yes, fortunately) not everyone is smart enough.

                                                                                            However, it does come down to quite a bit of luck. The quote "you're only as strong as your weakest link" reigns true through any team-based game. There are just going to be those games where you will NOT win due to your teammates losing lane/feeding, whether because of incompetence or pure trolling.

                                                                                            I agree that all you can do is better yourself, watch your replays (tedious) and correct your errors as best you can.


                                                                                            Be wary when you read into stats. I constantly argue that stats are able to show an approximation of skill, but it isn't definite.
                                                                                            However, each hero plays "different" roles, meaning their "farm/economy/best hero played" stats are rarely ever accurate.
                                                                                            Then, win it comes down to winrate % for each hero, I wouldn't think it would be accurate enough to determine until about 30 games.

                                                                                            -though I did a quick check and he has played quite a few games. However, I won't be quick to judge, since you can only conclude with a proper opinion after watching every game.


                                                                                              I'd like to teach everyone a lesson on win rate percentage because it keeps coming up, and it's essentially a null argument.

                                                                                              Assuming a "perfect" MMR system which is designed to place everyone in a perfect match, every single Dota player will have a winrate of almost exactly 50%.

                                                                                              The ONLY two exception to this rule are as follows:
                                                                                              1) You are of the absolute very BEST (top 99.9% of players) and the system is physically limited and CANNOT match you against anyone better or fair to play against because it can't. In the current pool this player has NOBODY that is a fair match against him. (This goes both ways for the lower end of bad players).

                                                                                              2) Party matchmaking will skew the system, obviously.

                                                                                              Now, assuming we DON'T have a perfect system, the rules above still apply, albeit it won't be EXACTLY 50%, everyone will have APPROXIMATELY 50%.

                                                                                              Anyone who is above or below 50% has either not plateaued yet, or is simply due to the system not being perfect.

                                                                                              Stop bringing up winrate %. You make yourself look like you haven't taken middleschool math.


                                                                                              And yes, I usually random or just take whatever my captain gives me so that I can improve on every hero, or at least the current meta. It's not fun playing your best heroes only. I had a friend once who had like 1800 games as pudge and 2000 games overall. I don't see how someone can play a single hero that much, but at least he got really good at it.


                                                                                                As a side note:

                                                                                                PS: Notice how my team has the lowest (visible) wins? Thanks Valve.
                                                                                                PPS: Watch the replay before you criticize.

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                                                                                                one and half gun

                                                                                                  gtfo with "lowest wins" argument

                                                                                                  Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                                                    yeah i agree that you cant understand how to play versus a hero until you know the heroes capabilities itself

                                                                                                    and i didnt mean that he should just play best hero nonstop cause thats boring, i was trying to say if you cant win consistantly with your best hero in games where it is appropriate to play it how do you expect to be able to hold your own in higher mmr solo brackets.

                                                                                                    for example, i have a friend with 2.5k solo and he still has alot to learn, but in party que he can hold is own in 3.8-4, but that doesnt make him a 4k solo


                                                                                                      if you can't get yourself out of 3.7k, you belong there. Also nice AM with 33% win, but im sure everytime your teammates failed and you played perfect

                                                                                                      GET OVER IT, YOU SUCK!

                                                                                                      did you even read #3?