General Discussion

General DiscussionThree Spirits Update

Three Spirits Update in General Discussion

    For those that haven't seen it yet:

    Go go discussion :D

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      awesome link is awesome


        Fixed it. Needed to add http:// to it O.o


          fuckin finnally. my xin is here. get rdy to being stomped over and over slaves


            I dont know how it is a significant change to Dota 2, I was hoping more for a ladder or rating system. 2 new heros are nice but I still would rather have old heros ported instead of the newer ones. It seems to me to be more of a cosmetic update. For the amount of time not having any updates other than the 6.79 patch, its pretty average.


              xin gets countered easy with anyone with a brain. tho it will stomp pubs to the infinity and beyond.
              earthpanda on the other hand is an enigma to me. was never in cm in d1 so I cba learning it.


                and hatoween.


                  @CaptainTaichoi, this is huge if you coach players or want to teach your friends how to play. I coached some players for awhile but it was quite frustrating teaching past the basics of stats and mechanics of whatever hero they want to play. Basically had to find replays and needed a lot of preparation so this update cuts down time.


                    90% cosmetics/economy changes

                    2 new heroes, pretty cool

                    noob shit like coaching (good, but doesn't effect many people..)

                    no ladder/rating/bracket system



                      2 heroes and diretide. I think its a decent- if not actually realy good- update.


                        Fuck diretide! Xin and first hero I did not play in dota 1! :D


                          Changed low-priority penalty metric from time-based to games played



                            If anyone wants to know how to play Earth Spirit he should follow me somehow :P Might gonna upload some videos on my Twitch to give you guys some inside


                              sf rapes xin


                                ^I hate when people say that. They both have way different strenghts. However xin has mobility and sf doesnt. That means xin can toy around with sf and sf will never be able to catch him.


                                  Also xin has a lock down, spell shield and some aoe.


                                    Awsome!....they still need to give Abaddon his roles...i feel like they. Forgot about him


                                      why are we talking about who rapes who? xin is definitly skill based hero with nice mobility so everything depends on the playz.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Ok. I dont understand earth spirit, i dont see how this hero can be good.


                                          xin shits on sf. just like 50 of other heroes.


                                            Lane picker! 2 new heroes. Seems like a nice update.


                                              Never even heard of those heroes. Hope enemy team will pick them and feed. :3


                                                @Dorkly, im gonna do VODs/Stream me playing EarthSpirit to see how he is played/to get a clue
                                                Hope there are no bugs which influence the gameplay.

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  Ok i am trying to learn by playing bots but still ....


                                                    as soon as someone good starts to abuse them expect swarm of qq threads.
                                                    and mark my words, not too long now.

                                                      Este comentário foi excluído

                                                        coaching is obviously biggest thing here, finally wp valve

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          all this complaints about no new heroes for a while they when they release two in one patch "MEH not good enough". I really dont get where these entitled kids get these ideas from......

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            They probably want 20 new heroes, a ladder system, 5 new modes ......

                                                            sigh ...

                                                            waku waku

                                                              i liked it when xin's portrait looked like axe in the wiki


                                                                What do they mean by "Lanepicker added to hero selection screen"?


                                                                  "all this complaints about no new heroes for a while they when they release two in one patch "MEH not good enough". I really dont get where these entitled kids get these ideas from......"
                                                                  THIS. It's like on the old days when nobody know how to play SF, most people think that SF is a bad hero.

                                                                  Earth Spirit is awesome hero if you can master him. Soon, when everybody can play him, he will be nerfed.

                                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                                    ^I think the same. Same issues existed with wisp. Nobody really played wisp... one guy had 1k games 80%+WR on that hero and then everyone went nuts about it.


                                                                      "What do they mean by "Lanepicker added to hero selection screen"?"

                                                                      I presume you'll be able to pick a hero and then pick which lane you will be heading too.

                                                                      Pick Pudge, pick mid, still have some numpty pick a mid hero and rage quit.

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        Xin skill based? Really? It's luck based. When you go in with the ulti if you can't get your first spell on the hero, your initiation failed because you weren't lucky enough for 2/x.

                                                                        -apm 400 player

                                                                          GIVE US PHOENIX AND LC.

                                                                          Woof Woof

                                                                            new patch = valve implementing more ways to milk community
                                                                            0 usefull changes for experienced players
                                                                            #maybe in 2014 something will change (huehue)

                                                                            my bad i forgot colorblind option thats one good change for experienced colorblind players -took them only 2years

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                                              sam u say that cuz ur clueless about xin totally :) im not gonna say how to play him its my secraht.
                                                                              wow just tried him oh my god im disgusted.
                                                                              everything look so slow in comparison to d1 . .

                                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                Dota 2 is improving, slowly but surely. Most of these updates may not apply directly to many of us, but improving the quality of dota 2 will bring in more players, and keep more of them around. Which will in turn improve competition, profit for valve/icefrog, and therefore more dota 2 improvements.

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  HAHAHAHA. Clueless? Sure man. Only his ulti is a skill-shot kind of thing and you call him a "skill" hero. Can you tell me why is he a skill hero then?


                                                                                    he has 4 spells for the start. and a wide variety of how you can use those spells. just like you dont rush into 7 units and hope your stun nets the 2 you want.
                                                                                    its not hard to use by any means, with a little practice, but its far from your average sk/drow/luna crap.

                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      4 spell hero ≠ skill hero. And no, there aren't a wide variety of ways how you can use those spells. All I can think of is using the first spell in a way that it has less targets to hit or escaping in a way with the second one.


                                                                                        we'll see i guess.


                                                                                          i dont like the looks tho, anyway d1 will always be smoother and better looking but idk those 3 zz.
                                                                                          the flame guard is same shit as doom fire, super annoying

                                                                                          Woof Woof

                                                                                            lancew what is improving? they only focus on useless shit like adding sounds to items or fixing/adding some minor meaningless visual shit
                                                                                            if you go to any patch they released since mid 2012 its 95%garbage that do nothing for the game and 0-5%of actual game improving content


                                                                                              When people look at a game with the purpose of deciding if they want to try it out, those kinds of visual things play a big role in the decision. Nobody wants to play a game that looks crappy. It also shows a certain level of maturity in the game, which is appealing. But there was a lot more to this update than visuals.

                                                                                              o 2 new heroes - people have been complaining about this for a long time.
                                                                                              o Lanepicker added to hero selection screen. This adds a LOT of value to pub games. It nails down coordination from the beginning.
                                                                                              o Bots now substitute for players that leave in Limited Hero mode. Awesome feature for new players, but also combats 5 man try hard stacks a little bit - good value added.
                                                                                              o Added last hit training missions. Awesome feature for new players.
                                                                                              o Coaching - fantastic feature for new players. Also a great feature for players who want to introduce new friends to the game. That friend will be more likely to stick around.
                                                                                              o Closed captioning - great for the hearing impaired.
                                                                                              o Colorblind option added - great for the visually impaired.
                                                                                              o Bloodrage and blademail sounds - makes me aware of the danger even if not looking at my hero.

                                                                                              Woof Woof

                                                                                                in other words outside of
                                                                                                o Closed captioning - great for the hearing impaired.
                                                                                                o Colorblind option added - great for the visually impaired.
                                                                                                there is nothing besides valves attempt at milking more new players before they quit

                                                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                                  And whats the problem with that? The game needs to be lucrative if it is to go anywhere. If they don't make any money, it will never get any updates. Besides, getting more and more players is a good thing too. It enriches the experience, giving more competition, variety, and more likely for you to play with people of your own language and skill level.


                                                                                                    im disapointed, ive waited xin release since 1year and look at dat shit, i dont even wanna try him =(


                                                                                                      Whats wrong with him? I also liked playing Xin.